Bacteria and dental plaque are the two main culprits causing periodontal disease. This is a chronic inflammation of the soft tissues 9gums), but may also involve the hard tissues (bone) if left untreated at an early stage. Thus, identifying the signs of disease is essential to seek timely dental care, for dentists to provide you with effective treatments. 

The Woodbridge periodontist and their team are skilled and experienced in offering an array of treatment options for periodontal disease based on the stage and severity of the symptoms.

An insight into periodontal disease

Periodontal disease or gum disease is a chronic, and progressive inflammation of the periodontium (gums, cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone). It begins as an inflammation of the gums but may spread, progressing to the jawbone. If left untreated for a long time, periodontal disease can be the leading cause of tooth loss. 

Exploring advanced and innovative treatment options for periodontal disease 

Treatment for periodontal disease depends on the stage. 

  • Mild to moderate forms of periodontal disease
  • Antibiotics
    • These are prescribed in the form of oral drugs or topical gels and mouthwash to fight infection and control inflammation.
  • Deep cleanings 
    • Dental cleanings are routine procedures that allow the dentist to eliminate plaque, calculus, and bacteria beneath the gum line. 
    • Deep scaling involves cleaning the tooth roots to make them smooth, preventing plaque adherence, and promoting healing. 
  • Moderate to severe forms of periodontal disease 
  • Flap surgery
    • A flap incision is raised on your gums and repositioned to the area of the gum defect with an intact blood supply.
  • Bone grafting
    • This procedure helps to replace the lost bone thickness using a graft material. The graft may be your bone, donated bone, or a synthetic material.
  • Gum grafting
    • Gum grafting helps treat gum recession by placing a tissue graft around the affected teeth and suturing it. 
    • The graft is obtained from any part of your oral cavity that covers the exposed tooth roots.
  • Guided tissue regeneration
    • A special biocompatible material is placed between the bone and your tooth for a regenerative process.
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy 
    • PRP is extracted from your blood sample and injected into the deficient areas to encourage bone growth. 

Lifestyle modification

Adopting healthy lifestyle habits like quitting smoking, managing stress, and eating a well-balanced diet can support periodontal health and enhance the effectiveness of treatment. 

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